
Web Cycles finds its inspiration in tower defense games in the context of a web server.

Unfortunately, the game is not complete as intended initially. There is no economy and no level design. However, you can experience

After 10 years with Unity (which I still use on a day-to-day basis professionally), this is my first Godot project. A lot of time has been dedicated to learning the ropes of Godot and it shows in the final product.

How to Play

The goal of this game is to scale up a web server architecture by adding nodes and connections to route requests to their destination.

You progress in the game by advancing cycles. You can click on the Next Cycle button or press N to move to the next cycle and progress requests.

Requests come from the WAN node and must be routed to the adequate nodes, then go back to the WAN node. You can click the requests to know which nodes are needed. The higher the request level, the more nodes are needed to fulfill their requirements.

The Add node button allows you to add new nodes to the network. Read descriptions of the various nodes to understand their capabilities in regard to the requests needs. Note: some nodes can only be connected to specific nodes.

Nodes may be able to process multiple requests in parallel, some can't. Some will be able if you make them level up. Click on the nodes installed in your network to see if they are able to level up.

The Connect button allows you to add connections between existing nodes.

If your network reaches a point of congestion, requests can be stalled and end up cancelled if not processed in a timely manner. Your network can only accept 10 canceled requests before the game ends. Be careful


[0.0.2] - 2024-09-02


  • Background music
  • Animated requests between cycles


  • Some issues with routing when two nodes for the same category are connected together - Requests now go back directly to the CPU

[0.0.1] - 2024-08-20

  • Original game jam submission

Known Issues

  • After adding a new node, you will probably see the description of the last node you clicked during the connection process. You can safely close the panel and continue playing.
  • Game over has not been implemented and therefore the game will continue forever, even if you reach the 10 canceled requests limit. You can simulate the correct behavior by restarting another game when you reach the game over limit.
  • Network requests can be tricky to click to display information. Try on the left of the square.


Updated 10 days ago
Published 23 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, HTML5
TagsTower Defense


WebCycles 0.0.1 - Game jam version 29 MB
WebCycles 0.0.1 - Game jam version 49 MB

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